Crohns And Colitis UK

Crohn's And Colitis UK

Every 21 minutes, someone will be newly diagnosed with Crohn's or colitis. More than a quarter of people face a distressing wait of more than a year, and nearly half visit A&E at least once before their diagnosis.


Crohn's & Colitis UK is the leading charity for people with inflammatory bowel disease. There are more than 500,000 people in the UK living with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis; a lifelong condition, for which there is no known cure.  


Delays in diagnosis can disrupt education and work, limit treatment options, and increase the risk of hospitalisation or emergency surgery. The stigma surrounding bowel health can lead to dangerous delays, with people ignoring symptoms, and reluctant to seek the help they desperately need.


At Crohn's & Colitis UK, we are spearheading the campaign for earlier diagnosis, as we know early diagnosis can transform lives. In just 30 seconds, our 'Symptom Checker' helps people know what to do and what symptoms they need to discuss with their GP, seeking the correct advice leading to quicker diagnosis. 


Your donation will help us move towards earlier diagnosis and a world free from Crohn's and colitis. Here’s what your money could do:


  • £10 can provide a patient information pack for nine newly diagnosed people with Crohn’s or colitis. 
  • £20 could pay for travel costs for a patient’s travel to a hospital to take part in a study. 
  • £50 can pay for an hour and a half of postdoctoral researcher’s time. 
  • £100 can fund the answering of two life-changing inquiries to our helpline.

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