Flash Quotes - Elite Women's Field

1st place: Peres Jepchirchir (ETH)
2nd place: Tigst Assefa (ETH)
“It was a really good competition – wind was a factor.”

“At 20K, I felt my leg was hurting a little and wasn’t sure I could finish the race, but I toughed it out.”

On the Paris 2024 Olympics: 

“I’d love to take part, we’ll just have to see if it’s enough to get me there.”
3rd place: Joyciline Jepkosgei (KEN)

On the race:

“The race was tough, I gave it my best.

“I was happy I carried my body and still had energy. I didn’t feel much pain.”

On the Paris 2024 Olympics: 

“I am happy I can cheer my Kenyan team on! Maybe next year.”
11th place: Mhairi Maclennan (GBR) – 1st British finisher

On the race:

“The race was amazing and awful. It was quite hot, but living in Scotland prepared me for the wind.”

On being the first British finisher:

“I knew I was going to hurt in the second half. I thought I might get first Brit, and hopefully under 2:30.

“I'm really happy. I can’t ask for more... maybe the Olympics?”